Beyond Beauty Healing

True healing starts from the inside where the soul resides

Welcome to Beyond Beauty Healing

Readings are one of many ways to connect with God/Source on your journey and it can be used to warn you, provide insight, or provide guidance to help you in life. I offer Intuitive tarot readings in regards to love, money, career, and intimate relationships. I will talk with you for a bit to build connection and then I will begin the reading by providing you with the intuitive info I get from source.


8 Tips for Healing Emotional Wounds
by Sharon Martin

1. Take it slow – don’t try to change everything at once.
2. Remember that healing isn’t all-or-nothing. Modest changes can significantly improve the quality of your life.
3. Be patient and persistent.
4. Set realistic expectations.
5. View setbacks as part of the process and as learning opportunities.
6. Prioritize self-care and self-compassion
7. Be willing to process your feelings about the past.
8. Ask for help.
